- 醫學系學生畢業後主要發展方向為擔任醫師。學生畢業取得醫師執照後,須接受兩年的畢業後一般訓練,再進入醫學中心接受住院醫師訓練,通過專科考試後成為專科主治醫師;同時也可在醫學院擔任基礎臨床教學的教師或研究員。
- 而升學可依興趣選擇相關研究所或跨領域學習:例如本校的生物醫學碩士班、醫學系藥理學科/藥理暨毒理學碩士班、博士班、臨床藥理研究所等;未來依專長投入公共衛生、生物科技研發、甚室醫療管理、法律等其他領域就業。
Q: What career choices are available for students?
- Seek employment
After completing their studies and obtaining a physician’s license, students can join healthcare institutions, receive residency training, and then pass the required examination to become attending physicians. They can also join medical schools as faculty members to teach basic or clinical medicine, or conduct research. - Pursue advanced studies
They can choose to study medicine-related or multidisciplinary subjects. They may consider joining the University’s Master’s Program in Biomedical Sciences, Master’s Program in Pharmacology and Toxicology, Ph.D. Program in Pharmacology and Toxicology, etc. After completing their studies, they may serve in the public health arena, participate in biotechnology-related research and development, join the management of healthcare organizations, become involved in law, etc., based on their expertise.
- 簽約合作學校(醫院):利用六年級自選科別實習的一個月期間,至新加坡大學National University of Singapore或美國紐澤西州立大學Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School。
- 學生自選:透過臺灣醫學生聯合會與世界醫聯會IFMSA平台,提供醫學生國際交換的機會
Q: Does the University offer short-term overseas training to students?
A:Yes. Students have two choices:
- Join the University’s partner institution
Students may receive one-month internship training in their sixth year of study at the National University of Singapore or Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Rutgers University, USA. - Select their desired institution:
(1) During the summer break, students may go overseas to an educational or healthcare institution to study or conduct research. They may access websites of the Federation of Medical Students in Taiwan and the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA) for information.
(2) IFMSA has six standing committees. The Standing Committee on Professional Exchange (SCOPE) and Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE) are relevant to university students.- SCORE provides information related to opportunities for conducting basic or clinical research.
- SCOPE offers information for students to experience differences in the healthcare systems of various countries, learn how to care for their patients, and explore characteristics of the relationship between patients and physicians in different cultures.
- 學校提供多種獎助措施(如附件),醫學系另有趙王復明女士紀念獎助金及費必祿博士紀念獎學金,協助清寒及生活急難學生。
- 醫學系每年提供2名外加名額,接受僑委會舉辦海外聯招選送僑生入學,另有 1名外加名額獨立招收外國學生入學,相關獎學金辦法依本校國際暨兩岸事務處辦法辦理,相關網頁連結:。
- 外語課程補助及外語檢定補助可參考beat365手机版官方网站正规外語中心辦法辦理,相關網頁連結:。
Q: How does the University provide need-base grants and offer assistance to international and overseas Chinese students?
- The University provides a variety of need-based grants to students from low-income families or facing emergency incidents. The School of Medicine also offers numerous grants to attend to their needs.
- Every year, the Overseas Committee Affairs Council organizes overseas joint recruitment endeavors and recommends two students join our School of Medicine each year. Moreover, the School of Medicine admits one international student.
- The University provides numerous scholarships. Access for details.
- Grants for learning a foreign language or passing a foreign language proficiency test are available. Access for information.