

公共衛生學系 Department of Public Health



  1. 升學:攻讀公衛相關研究所,如國內外公共衛生、環境衛生、環境醫學、流行病學、衛生政策與管理、醫務管理、預防醫學、社會福利、衛生行政、職業衛生、生物統計學等許多相關碩博士班。
  2. 就業:衛生福利部及其轄下部門(如疾病管制署、中央健保署、食品藥物管理署、國民健康署等)、環境部及其轄下部門(如化學物質管理署等)、各縣市衛生局、各縣市環保局、及鄉鎮市衛生所等;藥廠/CRO統計編程師、生統諮詢人員、統計分析師、程式設計師;職業衛生技師或相關技術、管理人員、環境檢測公司、環境科技顧問公司;公私立學術研究機構(大學、國衛院等)、公私立醫療體系、長照機構及民間非營利組織等業務工作。


Q: What are students’ career choices?

  1. Pursue advanced studies
    Students may choose to study in the master's programs in public health, environmental health, environmental medicine, epidemiology, health policy and management, healthcare management, preventive medicine, social welfare, healthcare administration, occupational health, biostatistics, etc.
  2. Seek employment
    1. Students may choose to work for government agencies:
      1. Ministry of Health and Welfare, or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Health Insurance Administration, the Food and Drug Administration, or the Health Promotion Administration.
      2. Ministry of Environment or government-affiliated organization, such as the Chemicals Administration, etc.
      3. The county or city’s health department, the county or city’s department of environmental protection, or the township’s health centers
    2. Students may consider working for pharmaceutical companies or clinical research organizations as statistical programmers, biostatistics specialists, statistical analysts, or programmers.
  3. Students may also select to work for companies associated with environmental testing, or environmental consulting and technology as occupational health technicians or administrative staff.
  4. Students can be staff at research institutions (such as universities, National Health Research Institutes, etc.), healthcare institutions, long-term care institutions, or non-profit organizations.
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