醫學檢驗生物技術學系畢業生升學進修管道暢通,除了可以就讀國內外研究所之外, 直升就讀本校研究所更是全部免學費,而且還有額外的獎助金可領取。學校的研究環境佳,教授們的表現研究表現優良,碩士班兩年的學習可以替家長省下數十萬的學費加生活費。
Q: What career choices are available for students?
- Pursue advanced studies
(1) Students can select a master's program in Taiwan or overseas.
(2) They can also choose the master's program provided by their Department. The benefits of selecting our master’s program are that:- The tuition & fees are free, and scholarships are available.
- The quality of the research environment and the endeavor of faculty members will be helpful to students.
- Attending the Department's two-year master's program can save students hundreds of thousands (of NT$) in tuition & fees and living expenses.
- Pass the licensure examination to become a professional
(1) Students can take the licensure examination to become medical laboratory scientists.
(2) The passing rates of our graduates are about twice the national average.
(3) The professional license is the guarantee of future employment. - Seek Employment
(1) Engage in clinical medical laboratory work, or choose basic or clinical research work.
(2) Join a government agency to engage in public administrative work.
(3) Associate with biotechnology or medical-related industries and engage in administration, R&D, or marketing.
- 學校目前有美洲、歐洲、亞洲、大洋洲、非洲共72所姊妹校,海外姐妹校交換學生計畫徵選錄取後,可前往各國姐妹校當交換學生最長1年。
- 學校也有在寒暑假辦理各項國外遊學營隊皆可讓系上同學有機會能夠出國交流以增加國際視野並訓練語言能力,每年也都有同學實際參與這些活動。
- 學校有許多服務性社團,在國際疫情正常的情況下,常在寒暑假組團前往世界各國需要慈濟人的地方來做志工服務。如果您有這方面服務的熱誠,未來也歡迎參加國際志工服務的行列。
Q: Does your department provide opportunities for students to go overseas to study?
- Currently, the University has 72 sister universities in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Oceania, and Africa. Eligible students can study at sister universities overseas for a maximum of one year.
- The University sponsors numerous overseas study groups during the winter or summer breaks, so that students have the opportunity to broaden their international perspectives and enhance their language skills. Every year, many of our students participate in these activities.
- Many student clubs aim to serve those in need. Student volunteers go to places in Taiwan and overseas during winter or summer breaks to serve. Students are welcome to join the ranks of international volunteers.