

物理治療學系 Department of Physical Therapy



  1. 升學:物理治療、神經科學、醫學工程、基礎醫學、復健諮商、復健科學、運動醫學、早期療育、特殊教育、長期照護、輔助科技、人因工程等研究所。

  2. 就業:

    1. 醫療院所擔任物理治療師。

    2. 學校系統擔任物理治療師。

    3. 自行開業。

    4. 物理治療相關產業研發與行銷人員。

    5. 健康照護產業擔任物理治療師。


Q: What are students’ career choices?


  1. Pursue advanced studies
    Students have a wide range of choices. They can choose to study physical therapy, neuroscience, medical engineering, or basic medicine. They can also consider rehabilitation counseling, rehabilitation science, sports medicine, or early rehabilitation. Moreover, special education, long-term care, assistive technology, or human factors & ergonomics are also available.
  2. Seek employment
    Students have many job selections. They can work as physical therapists in healthcare institutions, educational institutions, healthcare institutions, or start their own practice. They can also choose to do R&D or marketing work in physical therapy-related institutions.


A: 根據考選部的規定,如下:公立或立案之私立專科以上學校或經教育部承認之國外大學以上學校物理治療學、復健醫學系物理治療組等科、系、組畢業,並經實習期滿成績及格,領有畢業證書者。考選部網頁:

Q: How can I obtain a physical therapist's license?


Those who have graduated from public or registered private junior colleges or above, or foreign universities recognized by the Ministry of Education, such as physiotherapy, rehabilitation medicine, and other departments, and groups, have passed the internship period and obtained a degree. Access the website of the Ministry of Examination: for more information.


A: 物理治療學系之畢業生大多服務於醫療院所、社區居家醫療、長照系統、學校特教系統、輔具中心、運動隨隊治療師、醫材或運動產業、自行開設物理治療所、運動保健工作坊等。

Q:  What are the employment opportunities and career development for physical therapists?

A: Most of our graduates serve in healthcare institutions, community home care institutions, long-term care institutions, school special education departments, or assistive device institutions. Some choose to be sports team trainers, engage in medical instruments or sports industries, start their own practice, offer exercise and health workshops, etc.



Q:  Must students be good in physics?

A: Physical therapy uses physical factors, such as power, heat, sound, light, and electricity, to enhance, restore, or repair the body's functions. Students must learn medicine-related anatomy, physiology, and physical therapy, rather than physics.



Q:  Is it challenging to study physical therapy? Do I need to be good in English?

A: There is a certain degree of difficulty, of course, and previewing and reviewing class content are the keys. The textbooks of most professional courses are in English, and professional terms are also in English, yet instructors will teach in Chinese and English. It would help if you have basic English reading comprehension.



A: 可以參考中等以上學校成績優良學生升學輔導甄審甄試考簡章。網址:

Q:  What channels are available for higher achieving high school athletes to attend the Department?

A: You may access for the information.


A: 學校或各科老師都會有額外加開課後輔導,如果有需求可以提出,所以不用太擔心,當然需要花較多時間念書。

Q:  Can higher achieving high school athletes who receive special admission to the University keep up with their peers in class?

A: Faculty members are more than willing to provide tutoring sessions for them. If there is a need, students may ask for it. Of course, they need to spend more time studying.


A: 物理治療師多採固定上下班制,最晚到晚上9:30,很少熬夜加班。薪資依地區而異,剛畢業的物理治療師在北部約4~5萬元,中南部為3~4萬元。

Q:  Is a physical therapist's salary high?

A: Physical therapists usually get off work regularly, at the latest by 9:30 in the evening, and they rarely stay up late and work overtime. The salary varies. The newly graduated physical therapist earns about NT$40,000 to NT$50,000 in northern Taiwan and NT$30,000 to NT$40,000 in central and southern Taiwan.


A: 蠻充實的,因物理治療學系會有較多實作課程且大四一整年為校外實習,所以要利用三年將專業必修及選修科目全部修畢,相較其他科系較為充實。

Q: Do students need to take many courses?

A: Students will feel quite fulfilled in learning. To help students acquire professional skills, the Department provides many courses and one-year internship training for them; thus they must complete the physical therapy-related required and elective courses in three years. Our students will gain more professional knowledge and practical skills than other departments' students.

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