

東方語文學系 Department of Oriental Language and Literature



  1. 升學:中/日文、教育、漢學、華語文及互跨領域等相關研究所。

  2. 考試:

  3. 就業:從事文創產業、中/日文教師(國高中)、全球華語教學教師、採訪編輯、企業秘書、電視/電台主播、口/筆譯、觀光旅遊產業、交通運輸業、外交特考等公職國營事業單位。

  4. 海外交換留學/實習體驗:

Q: What are students’ career choices?


  1. Pursue advanced studies
    Students may choose graduate programs in Chinese, Japanese, education, sinology, Chinese language, and multidisciplinary studies.
  2. Take an examination
    1.  Public service examination
      Students may pass the examinations to become high school Chinese or Japanese teachers, counselors, international trade staff, policies, etc.
    2. Licensure examination
      Students may select to take licensure examinations to become Taiwan tour guides or leaders, Japanese tour guides, etc. They may consider taking the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) or Business Japanese Proficiency Test (BJT). They may also choose to be Chinese language teachers, etc.
  3. Seek employment
    Students may engage in cultural and creative industries, become Chinese or Japanese high school language teachers, or teach Chinese language overseas. They may choose to be news editors, administrative secretaries, or TV/radio anchors. Interpreters, translators, staff of the tourism industry, transportation industry staff, or diplomats are also their choices.
  4. To enhance students’ career choices, the Department provides opportunities for students to go to Japan for short-term study or to receive internship training. Through these programs, the Department wishes to assist students in enhancing their Japanese proficiency, experiencing Japanese society and customs, broadening their international perspectives, and building up their motivation for learning.
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