- 學前教育與托育:幼兒園老師、保母(托育人員)、教育或課後輔導相關,兒家系同時也是慈濟基金會人才培育計畫(公費生)計畫。
- 家庭教育:親子館、家庭教育中心、兒童/青少年/老人或家庭等相關協會或基金會…
- 兒童輔導與特殊教育:兒少相關機構、早期療育或是特殊教育機構
- 師資培育學程:本院設有師培中心,主要培養中學輔導人員,兒家系除了可取得輔導老師資格/教師證之外,也可取得第二張中等教師證(幼保科)。兒家系同學可在大一第二學期申請加入培育。如上所述,本系的選修人數佔全校最多。
- 社工系雙主修:兒家系與社工系皆為助人工作者,而兒家系是第一級預防工作(教育),社工系則為第三級工作,兩者可相輔相成。
- 傳播系雙主修:以兒家系專業為基礎,將兒童與家庭教育傳播出去。
- 護理系雙主修:本系每年皆有一兩位雙主修護理系同學,畢業後通常都至兒童醫院工作。
- 其他:亦有華語學程、輔導學程等相關課程。
- 海外見習:通常是大二和大三暑假安排,曾赴芬蘭、新加坡及馬來西亞進行專業機構的見習活動,每年約二十名,專業機構有:青少年輔導機構、幼兒園、早療/特教學校…,每年約十名。
- 海外實習:大四暑假進行一個月,每年數名,今年重新開啟至新加坡實習(預估10名)。
- 其他:亦有海外交換學生計畫。
Q: What are the career choices for students?
A: For years, many of our
students have taken teacher-preparation courses offered by the Center for
Teacher Education. Amazingly, all of them passed the licensure examinations
and became school teachers.
In addition, faculty members go overseas with our
students to engage in clerkship or internship training or volunteer service
in Finland, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, etc.
- The Department prepares students to become
The Department provides courses in three fields, namely preschool education and childcare, family education, and child guidance and special education to prepare for the following professions:- Preschool education and childcare
Students can be kindergarten or preschool teachers, childcare providers, or professionals engaging in after-school programs. Tzu Chi Foundation provides our students with scholarships, internships training, and employment opportunities. - Family education
Students may associate with parent-child centers, family education centers, or NPOs that serve children, teenagers, or the elderly. - Child guidance and special education
Students may join institutions related to children, early intervention, or special education.
- Preschool education and childcare
The Department enhances students’ interdisciplinary capabilities
The Department encourages students to enhance their interdisciplinary skills by assisting them in taking courses provided by the University or off-campus institutions. Students may consider the following:-
Attend the Teacher Preparation Program
The University’s Center for Teacher Education prepares students to become high school counselors or childcare teachers, by helping them to acquire skills and knowledge and pass the licensure examinations. Students may apply to join this program starting from the second semester of their first year. -
Choose the second major in social work
Both our Department and the Department of Social Work prepare students to become helpful professionals. While our graduates carry out first-level prevention duties by providing education, social work graduates are involved in third-level work. Professionals in education and social work complement each other. -
Select the second major in communication studies
Students may share with the public about child development and family studies and pass around the skills and knowledge. -
Select the second major in nursing
Each year, one or two of our students choose nursing. After graduation, they usually work in children's hospitals. -
Select other programs
Some students choose the University’s Chinese Language Program, Counseling Program, etc.
The Department increases students’ international mobility
Faculty members go overseas with students each year to provide volunteer services and assist students in clerkship or internship training. The details are listed below:-
Volunteer service
Students will visit Singapore or Malaysia to serve children and needy families during the summer break of their first year. -
Clerkship program
It is usually arranged during the summer breaks of the sophomore or junior year. Our students have visited relevant institutions in Finland, Singapore, and Malaysia for internship training. Each year, about twenty students have served at teenager guidance institutions, kindergartens, early intervention organizations, or special education institutions overseas. -
Internship program
About ten students spend one month during the summer break of their senior year to go to Singapore for their internship training.
Other exchange programs are also available for students.