

國際服務產業管理學士學位學程 Bachelor’s Program in International Service Industry Management



  1. 升學:與海內外許多優質大學訂有姊妹:霞s,學生畢業後可以繼續攻讀雙聯學位或其他管理碩士(MBA)等學位。
  2. 就業:大四全年給薪實習,提前接軌產業界,為期一年的實習實務訓練縮短學用落差,培育服務產業經理人就業出路廣:如海內外慈濟志業體、公民營企業、創新創業或輔導顧問等服務產 業。相關工作機會如:服務產業經理人、跨國企業經理人、飯店餐飲業經理人、新創產業經理人。

Q: What are the career choices for students?


  1. Pursue advanced studies
    The University has many sister schools in Taiwan and overseas, and many of them are renowned universities. After graduation, our students can pursue a joint dual degree or other master's program in management (MBA).
  2. Seek employment
    This Program wishes to assist students in connecting with the industry, enable them to apply what they have learned in the workplace, and prepare them to become management professionals. Thus, we require students to take paid internship training during their senior year.
  3. Students have a wide range of companies to choose from
    They may associate with Tzu Chi Foundation's offices in Taiwan or overseas, various business institutions, NPOs, innovative startups, or consulting firms.
  4. Students may engage in different types of work
    Service industry managers, multinational company managers, hospitality company managers, or innovative startup managers are available for them.

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Q: What are the advantages of choosing this Program?

A: Our students choose from a wide range of modules across the University that prepares them for a wide and flexible range of career paths throughout the service sector.

Moreover, our students benefit from Tzu Chi's rich network and international engagement in culture, education, medicine, and charity, transposing the core values of altruistic love, kindness, compassion, gratitude, and respect – qualities that are much needed but currently often not included in other management curricula.

Our graduates possess the cutting-edge knowledge and practical wisdom to join the business world with a moral compass set in the right direction.

  • Program's website:

  • YouTube: Bachelor's Program in International Service Industry Management

    IG: @tcu_ism

  • Facebook: TCU Bachelor's Program in International Service Industry Management

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