- 教育部大學校院評鑑100%通過學校
- 全球獨創「模擬醫學人文課程」。
- 多元且頻繁的國際交流活動。
- 研究聚焦,發展具學術特色的學校
- 全國唯一「導師、諮商中心、慈誠懿德會三軌輔導」特色學校。
- 高獎助的安心就學學校。
- 深耕臺灣邁向國際的社會教育發展。
- 東部志願服務典範學校。
- 國家永續發展獎、東部唯一綠色大學示範學校。
Q: What are the characteristics of Tzu Chi University?
- All departments, institutes, and programs have passed the relevant evaluations and received accreditation from the Ministry of Education.
- It set up the world renowned "Silent Mentor Program," which teaches humanistic simulation surgery.
- It carries out diverse and recurrent international exchange activities.
- It is the only university in Taiwan where academic advisors, Counseling Center professionals, and members of the Tzu-Cheng & Yi-Te Association work together to enhance students' well-being.
- It provides scholarships, work-study opportunities, and assistance for students to achieve their goals.
- It works with institutions in Taiwan and overseas in teaching, conducting research, and serving the public.
- It is the model university in eastern Taiwan for volunteer services.
- It received the National Sustainable Development Award and is the only exemplary green university in eastern Taiwan.
For more details, please refer to School Characteristics
- 校本部(中央校區):
- 醫學院:醫學系、護理學系、醫學檢驗生物技術系、公共衛生學系、醫學資訊學系、物理治療學系、生物醫學暨工程學系、分子生物暨人類遺傳學系、學士後中醫學系。
- 教育傳播學院:傳播學系、兒童發展與家庭教育學系。
- 介仁校區:
- 人文社會學院:東方語文學系、社會工作學系、人類發展與心理學系。
- 國際暨跨領域學院:外國語文學系、國際服務產業管理學士學位學程、國際數位媒體科技學士學位學程。
Q: How many campuses does the University have?
A: The University has two campuses, the Main Campus and Jieren Campus.
- The Main Campus has two colleges:
- College of Medicine: School of Medicine, Department of Nursing, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Biotechnology, Department of Public Health, Department of Medical Informatics, Department of Physical Therapy, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering, Department of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics, and School of Post Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine.
- School of Education and Communication: Department of Communication Studies, and Department of Child Development and Family Studies.
- The Jieren Campus has two colleges:
- School of Humanities and Social Sciences: Department of Oriental Languages and Literature, Department of Social Work, Department of Human Development and Psychology.
- International College: Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Bachelor’s Program in International Service Industry Management, and Bachelor’s Program in Digital Media Technology.
- 校本部(中央校區) - 位於花蓮市中央路上交通便利,緊臨慈濟醫院與靜思堂,為中央路上的顯著地標,距離花蓮後火車站、客運站約5分鐘車程,距離花蓮機場約10分鐘車程。
- 介仁校區 -位於花蓮市介仁街, 環境清幽交通方便, 可由中山路底(德興運動場)濟慈路進入校區,或由中央路南下至建國路右轉直行, 至介仁街右轉直行即可到達, 本校區距離花蓮後火車站約15分鐘車程.
參閱:校園導覽 以獲取更多資訊
Q: Where is Tzu Chi University?
- The Main Campus: It is on Zhongyang Road in Hualien City, near Tzu Chi Hospital and Jing Si Hall. The University building is a prominent landmark. The Main Campus is five minutes from Hualien Railway Station or ten minutes from Hualien Airport by car.
- The Jieren Campus: The campus is on Jieren Street in Hualien City, and has a peaceful environment. The campus is about fifteen minutes from Hualien Railway Station by car.
Access Campus Guide for more information.
乐鱼平台合作大巴黎:學務處 - 校園生活
- 校內餐飲一律提供素食。
- 不需要做早課、沒有髮禁、不需要穿袈裟。
Q: Does Tzu Chi University provide only vegetarian food on the campuses? Does the University ask students to attend early morning sessions, cut their hair short, or wear special clothing?
- For loving all creatures, the University only provides vegetarian food.
- There is no need for students to attend any early morning sessions, cut their hair short, or wear special clothing.
Q: I heard that public transportation in Hualien City is less convenient than that of a big city like Taipei. Do I need to buy a motor scooter or bicycle?
A: First-year students are unfamiliar with Hualien City and its traffic conditions, so it is better for them to just buy bicycles. From the second semester, when they are more familiar with the environment, they may decide whether to buy motor scooters or not.
Q: Does the University provide parking spaces for students to park their cars, motor scooters, or bicycles?
A: The University provides parking spaces for cars, motor scooters, and bicycles on the Main Campus and Jieren Campus for students to use.
乐鱼平台合作大巴黎:Q: 乐鱼平台合作大巴黎有提供宿舍嗎?
A: 當然有提供宿舍,完全不用抽籤,而且宿舍空間很大喔!!
Q: Does the University provide school housing for students?
A: Yes, and each student is guaranteed a school housing unit. Each standard suite is 391 square feet with A/C and accommodates four students.
A:學校宿舍每學期住宿費用請參照會計室學雜費收費標準,宿舍為四人一寢的套房。每棟宿舍設有自習室、曬被場等。各樓層或各區設有洗衣間、曬衣間、公用盥洗室、交誼廳及配膳室。寢室內提供之設備有冷氣、浴室、廁所、盥洗設備、吊扇、書桌、書架、衣櫥、單人床、靠背椅、日光燈、HUB。每間寢室共有四個床位,個人床位包含書桌、書架、衣櫥、單人床及靠背椅等;書桌上方設有網路插孔及電源插座。平日同學可於校區附近的大賣場購買生活用品,步行約 8 至 12 分鐘即可到達。
Q. How much does school housing cost? How many students are in each suite? What facilities and equipment are available? Is it convenient to buy something I need?
- Regarding the housing fee, you may access the tuition & fees website provided by the Accounting Office. Currently, it is NT$8,200 per semester. Each suite accommodates four students.
- The common area of each floor has a self-study space, quilt drying area, and laundry room. Moreover, a clothes drying area, public bathroom, activity center, and kitchen are also available.
- Each suite has air-conditioning, a bathroom, and a ceiling fan.
- Each student has a desk, bookshelf, wardrobe, single bed, armchair, fluorescent lamp, and HUB (computer network).
- Students living in the school housing can buy the things they need at numerous stores near the campuses, which are about eight to twelve minutes walking distance away.
- 不影響到學生課業為原則,可以到各處室詢問或是網站上查詢。
- 申請校內工讀於每學期初,本校學生依公告向學務處提出申請。
- 申請者必須參加學校的工讀教育訓練系列課程,受訓後始具工讀資格。
Q. Does the University provide work-study opportunities on campuses?
- Yes. The University wishes that work will be helpful but not affect the student's learning. Students can contact University units or access the University website for information.
- Students may apply at the Office of Student Affairs for on-campus work at the beginning of each semester, by meeting the requirements.
- Applicants must complete the required education and training before they can start working.
- 申請生活學習獎助金之同學(大專院校弱勢學生助學計畫)。
- 公費生(包括政府、慈濟基金會)家境清寒者。
- 家境清寒及緊急事件專案核准者。
- 一般自費生。
- 一般公費生。
Q: Will the University give priority to students who need work-study opportunities because of their personal circumstances?
A: Each University unit will provide work-study opportunities following the order listed below:
- Recipient of government assistance related to low-income families.
- Student is from a low-income family and is a recipient of the scholarship provided by the Taiwanese government or Tzu Chi Foundation.
- Student is from a low-income family and facing emergency incidents.
- Student pays own tuition & fees and other fees.
- Scholarship recipient (other than mentioned
If indigenous students and overseas Chinese students are in each of the above items, they will be given priority.
- 室外工作﹕場地清潔、環境整理。
- 行政教學工作﹕業務協助—檔案管理及資料建檔。
- 助理工作﹕研究室、實驗室清潔、管理及技術操作等。
- 公共場所管理:管理教室及其他場所。
- 其他臨時性工作。
- 不得分派工讀生從事具危險性、委辦(補助)計畫、專案研究及涉及業務機密與個人隱私等工作。
Q: What are the job contents of the work-study program?
A: Each University unit has its requirements, and the following are examples:
- Cleaning the outdoor environment.
- Helping with data management or information filing.
- Assisting in research work, laboratory cleaning, clerical processing, technical operation, etc.
- Managing things related to classrooms or other places.
- Other assignments of a temporary nature.
- Students will never engage in anything that is dangerous, finance-related, research-related, or work involving business secrets or personal privacy.
Q: How does the University assist students with career planning?
A: To prepare students well, the University helps them build good characters and humanism; moreover, it equips them with professional skills and knowledge. The University will continue to assist students in career planning, including offering opportunities for students to work with professionals from all walks of life, providing career consultation, etc. In summary, the University helps students discover their talents and prepare themselves to fulfill the requirements of their future workplaces.
Many students feel rewarded for attending the career consultation. One said: "I was a bit confused at first, but through chatting with a counselor, I have more understanding about my career choices. But, I need to experience more to be certain about my career plan. I am grateful to my counselor for giving me a clear analysis of the three choices I hesitated at, helping me understand the paths that suit me, and giving me resources to seek assistance."
Another student said: "I am most impressed that my counselor reminded me to think about the future workplace that I like or the one I can work at for a long while and get promoted, rather than choosing short-term work. Now I have a different view about my career choices."
Q: What student clubs are available?
A: The University has many student clubs. Access Student Clubs Website for more information.
乐鱼平台合作大巴黎:獎助學金 Scholarships and grants
A:本校獎助學金,請詳見: 獎學金網頁
Q: Does the University provide scholarships or grants?
A: Yes. Go to Scholarship Website for more information.
Q:What types of grants are provided by the Center for Faculty Development and Instructional Resources?
Types |
Description |
Need-Based Grant I |
There are five levels, and the annual amount varies from NT$12,000 to NT$35,000. |
Need-Based II |
The monthly amount is NT$3,000. |
Emergency Assistance |
The University follows the relevant regulation in assisting students from low-income families and those facing emergency incidents. |
A Housing Fee Waiver for Living On-Campus or A Rental Grant for Living Off-Campus |
The University offers a housing fee waiver (for living on-campus) or a rental grant (for living off-campus) to students from low-income families. |
名稱 |
內容 |
助學金 |
補助級距分為五級,助學金額為新臺幣(以下)12,000 元整至35,000元(每學年核發)。 |
生活助學金 |
核發學生每月3,000元。 |
緊急紓困金 |
按「學生急難助學金實施辦法」「學生清寒助學金實施辦法」辦理。 |
優惠住宿 |
低收入戶學生免住宿費及校外租金補助。 |
Grant |
Description |
Bonus money for Taking Certain Online Courses |
Bonus money for Passing an Examination |
Grant for Attending an Off-Campus Competition |
Current students participating in an off-campus professional skills-related competition in the name of the University may receive a grant of up to NT$5,000 (individual match) or NT$10,000 (team competition). |
Grant for Managing A Self-Study Group |
- 高三先修課程可抵學分,最高再補助3,000元。
- 在校生興趣選修每學期上限4,000元。
- 在校生通過考照,補助全額報名費,每次最高上限4,000元。
- 外語類檢定考試再加碼獎勵金,最高3,000元。
- 「學業精進」類符合資格1,200起跳。
- 「讀書會」類每組上限5,000元。
- 「專案學習」類每組上限30,000元。
乐鱼平台合作大巴黎:國際事務中心- 國際交流 International exchange programs
- 出國就讀時應在本校修業滿一學年以(含一學年)。
- 日語或英語能力優良並檢附有效成績證明者,其他語言能力視交換學校要求訂定。(日語能力鑑定成績達2級,或通過全民英檢中高級複試)。
- 學業成績排名於前百分之五十、服務教育、操行成績優良,無重大違規記錄者。
Q: I long for the opportunity to study overseas. How do I apply for an international exchange program?
Students must fulfill the requirements listed below to become exchange students:
- Ensure that they have studied at the University for at least a year.
- Those who have excellent Japanese or English language skills and have submitted their language proficiency test results, score reports, etc.
- Applicants must have passed level 2 of the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test or the second phase of the high-intermediate level of the General English Proficiency Test. If applicants’ desired institutions require language proficiency, other than English and Japanese, the University will regard it as a special case and conduct a review.
- Applicants rank among the top 50% academically in the class, have excellent performance in serve-education, have good conduct, and have no record of significant violations of University rules or regulations.
Q: Does the University provide a grant to a student going to an overseas university for a short term to study a foreign language?
A: To encourage students to enhance their skills in a foreign language, the University provides a relevant grant. The number of recipients per year is subject to the University’s annual budget. The University offers roundtrip economy class airfare up to NT$ 20,000 per person.
- 醫學系 School of Medicine
- 藥學系 School of Pharmacy
- 護理學系 Department of Nursing
- 公共衛生學系 Department of Public Health
- 醫學檢驗生物技術系 Department of Laboratory Medicine and Biotechnology
- 醫學資訊學系 Department of Medical Informatics
- 物理治療學系 Department of Physical Therapy
- 生物醫學暨工程學系 Department of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering
- 分子生物暨人類遺傳學系 Department of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics
- 社會工作學系 Department of Social Work
- 人類發展與心理學系 Department of Human Development and Psychology
- 東方語文學系 Department of Oriental Language and Literature
- 傳播學系 Department of Communication Studies
- 兒童發展與家庭教育學系 Department of Child Development and Family Studies
- 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature
- 國際服務產業管理學士學位學程 Bachelor’s Program in International Service Industry Management